The Results Group LLC...Bridging gaps between roles and performance and taking advantage of individual's genius

Motivation-Part One

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Why do people act that way?  Where is the motivation, the enthusiasm, the interest?  You may have asked these questions when thinking about your family, friends, or co-workers. Or, you may have asked these questions about yourself.

Motivation is thought of as drive, impetus, and inspiration.  We exhibit this by the energy we bring to a task or the enthusiasm with which we try something new.  When motivation exists, stuff gets done and people work well together.

However, this does not always happen.  Some facts:

70% of workers say they are not fully engaged in their work.
96% of employees believe they cannot attain  personal career goals in their current jobs
53% of managers report not being happy with their current jobs
Gallup poll in 2011: 71% not engaged in work
Jobvite in 2012: 75% of people are actively looking for, or open to, new jobs
APA in 2009: 69% say work causes significant stress in their lives

Looks like a bleak situation.  What possibly causes this:

Inadequate job skills
Corporate culture
Overworked and overwhelmed
Lack of career vision
Feeling under-valued
Poor leadership
Conflict with co-workers or leader
Fear of failure

We no longer live in an industrial worker age.  This was characterized by workers doing what they were told.  They punched a clock at a certain time.  They took breaks at certain times.  They did what their supervisor told them to do.  Their value to a company was considered only in terms of physical skills.

We now live in the knowledge worker age.  People are considered assets of a company that can be used for strategic competitive advantage.  Workers are valued because of the knowledge they hold.  More than 80% of our jobs are service related and fall into this category.

People (your team, your co-workers, you) need to be motivated to engage with the goals of their company.  Sure, you can work because it is the correct thing to do.  You get a paycheck.  But the magic begins if that connection is made and enthusiasm wafts through the office and plant floor.

To learn more about how to practice this understanding, contact Results Group, LLC at or 515-330-2866.

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