The Results Group LLC...Bridging gaps between roles and performance and taking advantage of individual's genius

Vision-Clarifying and Communicating-Part Two

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Maybe you created a vision just for yourself.  Maybe your vision involves other people.  Maybe you have several visions, covering both individual and others.  Any way you slice it, you still need to communicate your vision.

If you communicate your vision(s), two things happen.  One, others can assist you in its achievement.  And we really do need others to assist us.  We live as interdependent beings, relying on others for support and ideas.  Two, others will hold you accountable.  While sometimes painful, being held accountable does help us grow to our future vision.

If your vision involved others, these two are very important.   But a third importance for communication also emerges.  If you want others to go with you, not just support you but actually be by your side, you must tell them where you are going.  Imagine saying, “I am going on a journey and want you to go with me.  The trip will be a long one.  I am sure of that.  However, I’m not sure how we will get there, but I’ll know it when we are.   And, the GPS screen will be pointed in my direction only.  We will stop when I think it is time, but I don’t want any requests from you.  We will nourish ourselves when I think it is necessary and in the manner I choose.  Any references to the Golden Arches and Casey’s will be ignored.  And, I’m not quite sure what you’ll do on this trip, but it will be an effort somewhere in between napping in the car, changing a tire, and pushing the car if we run out of gas.  OK, now, who’s with me?  Let’s go!”

Would you sign up for that?  I wouldn't.  If you want to be in the driver’s seat, what do your passengers need to know?   They must know where you are going and a reasonable time expectation to get there.  They must know how they can help you, what you need them to do to get there.  Maybe that involves navigating.  Maybe it involves switching off driving duties and taking the night shift (remember this is a long, long journey). And they must know some parameters about how you want it done.  If an assignment is keeping people entertained during the journey, do you want them to develop a playlist of music, or just wing it and exercise vocal chords as you go?  If they are in charge of rejuvenation during the journey, do you want them to research affordable places to stop for food along the way or pack a picnic basket with food to eat in the car?
Communicating your vision involves involvement.  No, it’s not a play on words, it is a suggestion to improving your journey.   As a leader, we must realize we can’t achieve our vision without others.   From the very beginning, we need to involve others in the planning.

How else do you know who can sing well?  How else do you know who can see well at night?  Involving others helps you play to their strengths.  Your journey to your vision would get horribly off track if the person you put in charge of driving the midnight to eight shift experienced night blindness!

And, what if the person you put in charge of entertainment hated to read, sing, or discuss current events…..but really loved to plan menus that were healthy and provided nourishment for sustained travel.  You would probably get a long soliloquy on calorie content and protein….which may put everyone to sleep, causing your navigator to miss your turn!  Involving others allows people to assist in areas of their passion.  When people get to work from their passion, they are much more productive and much more excited about the journey.

Clarifying your vision provides substance to your dream.  Communicating your vision opens you to the assistance, involvement, and excitement to get there.

To learn more about how to practice this understanding, contact Results Group, LLC at or 515-330-2866.

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