The Results Group LLC...Bridging gaps between roles and performance and taking advantage of individual's genius


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When determining which management style to use in order to successfully navigate conflict, we need to be aware of our goal in the situation.  Our perception of the situation leads to our (unconsciously) setting a goal for that situation….an outcome we want to achieve.  Certain situations do call for certain styles of management.  Our choice of style can be overused or underused, depending on our skills and history.

The style of avoidance can be used to reduce tensions, to buy time, and to leave unimportant issues alone.  Overuse of this style can happen if people are uncomfortable with conflict in general, or if they are in a position where they can’t afford to take a risk.  Results are that decisions are made by default, and issues are allowed to fester.  Underuse of this style can occur when people like problem solving, or when they perceive this style as one of avoiding responsibility.  Results are a lack of prioritization/delegation and potential hurt feelings.

The style of accommodation can be used to develop performance, create goodwill, and maintain perspective.  Overuse of this style can happen when people have a strong desire to please others, or when they have difficulty identifying their own needs.  Results are that ideas get overlooked, and the person creates an image of restricted influence.  Underuse of this style can occur when people are just used to getting their way, or they don’t recognize opportunities to use this style.  Results are a lack of rapport and potential low morale.

The style of compromise can be used to reach resolution with equal power, create temporary solutions, and deal with time constraints.  Overuse of this style happens when people think it is a game or rely on it as a quick way to solve deep problems.  Results are to create a climate that is cynical and untrustworthy.  Underuse of this style can occur when people feel uncomfortable in bargaining situations or feel they are being taken advantage of.  Results are frequent power struggles and unnecessary confrontations.

The style of dominate (compete) can be used to make unpopular decisions or take quick action.  Overuse of this style happens when people have this as a natural defense mechanism or are not fully aware of the concerns of others.  Results are reduced learning and low empowerment.  Underuse of this style can occur when people fear displeasing others or are not secure in their position.  Results are indecision and withholding of contributions.

The style of dialogue (collaborate) can be used to merge perspectives, gain commitment, and improve relationships.  Overuse of this style can happen when people like being the “peacemaker”.  Results can be work overload and diffused responsibility.  Underuse of this style can occur when people feel they do not have the time or do not trust others.  Results can be lack of commitment, low empowerment, and loss of innovation.

Each of the five styles can be used to successfully manage conflict.   Knowing our skills and understanding our goals for a situation can help us choose the style that will be the most effective.  But, just because a style works in one situation doesn't mean it will work in another.  If we choose to “overuse” a style, we can create unwanted barriers in our situation.  And, just because we don’t often use a style, doesn't mean we shouldn't become skilled in its practice.  Underuse of a style can occur when we go to our default style, thus potentially depriving ourselves of a successful resolution.

Successful conflict resolution is possible.  It requires knowing your skills, understanding your goal for the situation, and making a choice to use a style that fits.  Conflict need not be something to avoid.  Rather, it is an opportunity for us to better appreciate the differences of concerns, to see them as a normal occurrence, and to behave in a manner that will create a “win-win” for everyone involved.

To learn more about conflict resolution and how to practice this understanding, contact Results Group, LLC at or 515-330-2866 .

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