The Results Group LLC...Bridging gaps between roles and performance and taking advantage of individual's genius

Embrace Reality-Part One

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To embrace reality, we have to acknowledge its existence.  Very simply, reality is “what is”.  This doesn't take into account our feelings about the reality we are experiencing.  That is another story!  But in order to embrace reality, we first must accept it for what it is.

“What is” defines the context of our lives.  Reality shoves limits and boundaries at us…..even though we may try to sidestep them.  “What is” is just that…..what exists.  There are no judgments to it, no meaning to it.  We add those things ourselves.  We may color our reality with negative connotations, which leads us to certain behaviors.  We may paint our reality positively, which can help us handle something (or so we think).  Reality “is” whether or not we acknowledge it accurately.

But handling is not equivalent to embracing.  People spend a lot of time (hours, weeks, years) running from or enduring a reality they feel afraid of or ill-equipped to grasp.   Excuses abound.  We can’t change reality.  Remember, it is “what is”.  Some of our realities came to us through our genes.  Some of our realities came to us through choices we made.  We can only change how we react to reality or how we deal with it.

Reality is “being real”.  It is what is present, current, and actual.  To begin to learn how to embrace reality, one must acknowledge that it exists… its REAL state.  This means looking at reality for whatever definition we give it; what feeling we assign to it; what importance we place on it.  No spinning allowed!  Separate the feelings and wishes from what you actually have.  Once you can do that, we can look at how to move forward.

To learn more about how to practice this understanding, contact Results Group, LLC at or 515-330-2866.

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