The Results Group LLC...Bridging gaps between roles and performance and taking advantage of individual's genius

Team Decision Making-Part One

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Excellent team decisions are based on communication, respect, and group dynamic skills.  Teams that are high performing know that collaboration leads to better decisions and the ability to solve problems more effectively. But put people together for the first few times, and difficulties will arise.  There are generally acknowledged stages of team development.  B. W. Tuckman identified these four as being:  forming, storming, norming, and performing.

In the forming stage, people are learning about each other.  Rules of the team may be laid out, and the goal to be achieved is clarified.  In the storming phase, activity abounds.  People are vying for “lead” of the team.  While it may look like chaos from the outside, this phase is very important to the team’s future functioning. The norming phase demonstrates that rules have been plied, then defined and agreed upon.  Assignments have been made according to people’s strengths.  In the final phase, performing, the team moves forward.   The goal of the team is achieved, with members acknowledging that it took a group effort.

Leadership is extremely important during these four stages.  Leaders need to recognize that individuals will vie for certain positions on the team and be comfortable letting that happen.  Leaders need to understand that there will be a phase filled with chaos and that respect of each team member will help guide them to stability.  Each team member brings different values, attitudes, and beliefs to the team experience.  These are based on differing backgrounds, education, and experiences.  A good leader knows this will happen and he/she embraces it.  From differing backgrounds come more creative ideas.

To learn more about how to practice this understanding, contact Results Group, LLC at or 515-330-2866.

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