The Results Group LLC...Bridging gaps between roles and performance and taking advantage of individual's genius

Vision-Clarifying and Communicating

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Someone asked me the other day what it meant to clarify your vision.  We had an interesting discussion, which started by centering on the definition of vision.  We didn't know we were participating in an exercise that would rival Webster, but that seems to be where we started. We talked about goals and dreams, the location of a vision, and who was involved.

A vision has at its center goals and dreams, however it is more than that.  A vision most often is centered on a point in the future.  It can involve just you, or a group of people.

Often, when we try to grasp a somewhat nebulous concept, we start with defining it.  This seems to make us feel comfortable, more in charge.  If we can define it, we can see it.  If we can see it, we can hold it.  If we can hold it, we can control it.  We are more in charge.  And, when dealing with nebulous concepts, we like to be in charge!!  Then, we know what we are talking about……or so it seems.

A very basic definition of “vision” is to refer us back to eyesight……the ability to see.  “My vision is 20/20”.  “My vision has become worse, as I've aged”.  “I had to get reading glasses, because I can’t see the book in front of me”!

But if we let that concrete definition become a little more abstract, we can “see” more.  Think of “the ability to see” as sitting with Play Dough or Silly Putty.  Remember what you can do with those?  You can pull them and stretch them.   They become something larger than a blob of gooey stuff on your table.  They begin to take shape.

In your mind, see (envision) a blob of this stuff sitting in front of you.  You can make it any color you want. (Mine is purple, by the way).  Print a group of letters on that colored blob.   Now arrange those letters to form words and phrases that describe something you want to happen in the future.  It may be just for you, or it could be for your family, co-workers, or people you lead.
Pick up that colored blob and stretch it.  Notice that the letters become larger and expand to fill a space.  If you stretch your material far enough, it is as though the words travel to a space ahead of you…..the future.

Imagine your ideas in the future.  Can you see that far ahead?  Do you feel confident that you can make it happen?  Are you driven to see those words come to life?  This is vision.  And it involves foresight and planning.

You had to figure out what letters to put on your materials and in which order.  You had to determine which way to stretch your globule.  Maybe you stretched left to right, didn’t like what you saw, so re-adjusted and stretched up and down.  Maybe you watched it unfold, wasn’t sure of the wording, so tweaked that a bit.  But, the basic premise probably stayed the same.

Where do the words come from, to put on that material you are going to mold?  They come from you……your heart.  What is driving you?  What ideas in your head cause aches in your heart?

Think about what you want your world (self, family, workplace, etc.) to look like in the future.  How does this express your values?  How does this dream for your future concur with your dream for yourself?  Who has to go on the ride with you?

To clarify your vision means you learn to be comfortable holding a wispy dream in the present, knowing you can make it materialize in the future.  Some people call this a hallucination.  Others call it a revelation.

I like to think of it as tremendous possibilities.  And with planning and communication from us, the possibilities become realities.

To learn more about how to practice this understanding, contact Results Group, LLC at or 515-330-2866.

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